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New Delhi

Tag: Conversion mafia


Modi Government takes BIG ACTION against the biggest Conversion Mafia

India is witnessing a coordinated attack from several quarters and currently, it is amind a civilizational war. Be it the Secular Liberal cabal, be...

Christian Conversion Mafia – Journey from Traditional Missionaries to Evangelical Corporate Organization

Christianity is one of the oldest and most practiced religion in the world. The biggest reason behind the mercurial rise of Christianity is the...

RSS का अभियान, जिसमे हिन्दू आदिवासी लडकियां दे रही हैं हिंदुत्व के दुश्मनो को कड़ी टक्कर

आज भारत में दो सबसे बड़ी समस्यायें हैं, एक तो यहाँ धर्मान्तरण काफी हो रहा है, दूसरा हमारे सनातन धर्म से लोगो का मोह...

Finally MHA CANCELS FCRA licenses of 13 NGOs to stop the menace of conversion mafia.

According to a report of Times Of India, Home Ministry has suspended the Foreign Contribution Regulations Act (FCRA ) licenses of 13 NGOs and...