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Tag: aatmanirbhar bharat


How IT Industry is shaping the future of India?

The 21st century is earmarked as Information Technology-driven and India is at the Centre of global attraction and is considered a knowledge powerhouse. The...


The supremacy in skies has been the critical factor in determining the outcome of modern war. A well aided fleet of fighter aircraft can...

उत्सवेषु सैनिकेभ्यः अपि प्रज्जवलयतु एकम् दीपं, स्वीकार्यतु वोकल फॉर लोकल इति-पीएम मोदी: ! त्योहारों में सैनिकों के लिए भी जलाएं एक दीया,अपनाएं वोकल फॉर...

प्रधानमंत्री: नरेंद्र मोदी: अद्य स्व आकाशवाणी कार्यक्रम मनस्य वार्ताया देशवासिभि: स्व विचारम् अंशयत् ! इति कालम् प्रधानमंत्री: सर्वात् प्रथम देशवासिनां विजयादशमीस्य शुभशयः अददात् !...

प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने लॉन्च की स्वामित्व योजना, एक लाख लोगों को मिलेगा अपने घरों का स्वामित्व पत्र

प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने रविवार को ' स्वामित्व ' योजना के तहत 'संपत्ति कार्ड' बांटे। करीब एक लाख लोगों का प्रॉपर्टी कार्ड तैयार हो...

Aatmanirbhar (Self-reliance) Bharat

Self-reliance (आत्मनिर्भरता) refers to a person's condition that he not depend on another person for any work. Self-reliance is a positive word, it is...

Blue Revolution : PMMS scheme by Modi govt to boost exports in Fishery sector.

Blue revolution on the road of progress. After launching several schemes for the farmers, PM Modi has now announced a scheme for the marginal...