This is a tremendous result for us as we have been looking for the Chola bronze Shiva Chandrasekhara stolen from Sripuranthan by Subhash Kapoor for over a decade now. Today we can disclose that homeland security agents have traced it and successfully taken possession of the bronze from an American collector,” said India Pride Project co-founder S
Vijay Kumar
. The organization constitutes art enthusiasts, who work to restore stolen Indian antiquities.

“This proved crucial as we could provide clear matches from the pre-theft in situ photographs from the French institute in Pondicherry. Further, the same collector had also in his possession the beautiful Chola bronze Nataraja and his consort Sivakamasundari which have also been taken over,” said Vijay Kumar.

Latchford started his collecting odyssey on stolen Chola bronzes and his apartments in Bangkok and London prominently featured them. “We are still searching for many such tainted Kapoor and Latchford artefacts and today’s result should show the collecting lobby that there is no running away from such actions. They should consider doing the right thing, which is to return the stolen Gods,” said Vijay Kumar.