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‘Pastors of Punjab’ – A Sickening and Heinous conspiracy to separate Sikhs and Punjabi society from India


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Punjab has historically been known for its food, music, dance, dynamic people, Green Revolution and above all, Sikhism. Sikhism has been a part of Sanatan, and this has been the reason that conspiracies to remove Sikhism from Sanatan have been going on continuously for last several decades.

It has been seen how sometimes in the name of language, sometimes in the name of Khalistan, sometimes in the name of sacrilege, sometimes using Bhindranwale, Pakistan has tried to cut off the Punjabi community from India. Even today, anti-social and terrorist elements living abroad in the name of Khalistan are trying to separate Punjab and Sikhs.

But today we will talk about another social conspiracy, which is silently going on in Punjab for many years. Now Punjab has become a laboratory of missionaries spreading Christianity rapidly. Christian conversion is rising like a tidal wave in the towns and villages of Punjab, and surprisingly neither the society nor the government seems to be making any effort to stop it.

The names of these pastors from Punjab are: Ankur Yusuf Narula, Bajinder Singh, Amrit Sandhu, Kanchan Mittal, Raman Hans, Gurnam Singh Kheda, Harjeet Singh, Sukhpal Rana, and Faris Masih. They have a large number of followers, in Punjab these people have made a huge network of their conversion centers, while they have crores of followers on social media.

All these pastors claim to have miraculous cures. All of them have attractive personalities, and they use young men and women as catalysts, which helps them connect with young people. All these priests have become Christians, but they have not changed their Hindu or Sikh names. They use their religious symbols like turban etc., which is an attempt to confuse people.

Ankur Narula’s missionary ministry has gripped Punjab

Some priests have a main role in this conspiracy. The most prominent of these is Ankur Yusuf Narula, who was born in Jalandhar to a Hindu Khatri family dealing in floor tiles and marble. Narula converted to Christianity in 2008 and started his own missionary ministry with three members, with the sole aim of converting Sikhs and Hindus to Christianity.

Narula’s ‘Church of Science and Wonders’ claims to have around 300,000 members worldwide. Apart from the main church, ‘Ankur Narula Ministry’ spread over 65 acres in Khambra village of Jalandhar has many branches in America, Canada, Germany. One in Harrow, Greater London, and the other in Birmingham, just opened in October.

Ankur Narula proclaims to mislead the gullible, “Let every sick patient be healed in the name of Jesus, and commands the unclean spirits to be cast out in the mighty name of Jesus Christ?” The simple meaning of this announcement is that it shows the Hindus and Sikhs that they have impure souls within them, which will be purified by taking the name of Jesus.

Ankur Narula claims to cure locomotor disorders, chronic piles, bone diseases, tonsils, depression, infertility and other ailments. Pastor Ankur Yusuf Narula does not have any degree in medical science, but still he fools people by making this fake claim. Our own people are made to sit in the crowd, who do strange things. As soon as Ankur Narula touches him, he becomes completely fine. Ankur Narula traps innocent Hindus and Sikhs in his net by doing such tricks.

Pastor Bajinder Singh’s Church of Glory and Wisdom spreads conversion trap in Punjab

Bajinder Singh, about 35 and dressed in a jeans-blazer, looks like a corporate executive, but he is a priest whose only job is to ward off so-called “evil spirits”. On stage in front of hundreds of people called by his staff he says “Do you believe you will be healed here? do you believe?”

Then he recites a mantra in front of the woman or man already in the wheelchair and says “Raise your hands and let the Holy Spirit do the work”. He looks at the victim and cries out, “Jesus, touch him, get up, Jesus have mercy”.

Then suddenly that victim gets up from the wheelchair. Then Bajinder starts saying hallelujah loudly, the crowd present in front also proclaims an enthusiastic hallelujah. And then the band and singers present on the stage start singing an upbeat devotional song ‘Mera Yashu Yashu’.

Pastor Bajinder is considered by his followers to be the bearer of God. Bajinder claims that he can cure every possible disease and disability, exorcise ghosts and even bring the dead back to life. According to them, his divine influence can help people to get a visa, get a job, find a life partner, have a child, get a better political position. By misusing these tricks, Bajinder has converted thousands of Hindus and Sikhs.

Narula and other pastors like him have brought together a variety of professionals from Punjab. Thousands of Doctors, Engineers, Advocates, Police, Bureaucrats, Businessmen and Landlords are associated with these priests, these people leave their work and go to church and help in converting innocent Hindus and Sikhs.

These clergy and missionary mafia have popularized pseudo ‘power of miracles’ and ‘faith healing’ among common Punjabis by misusing social media followers and many social personalities apart from these professional Punjabis, which is a huge factor for conversion.

If you look at the 2011 census data, you will find that the total number of Christians in Punjab was 3,48,000, but now this number is increasing rapidly. Today, in every village, town, and city, missionary mafia and clergy have started running programs of conversion openly.

You will see thousands of Sikhs in their events wearing turbans, women in Punjabi costumes, which also has a psychological effect. This pastor is running a mission to convert thousands of these people into Christians by misleading them in the name of exorcism, fighting cancer, curing all kinds of diseases, infertility, and even getting visas.

Punjab is toeing the line of Southern States

Now the situation has become so bad that out of 12,000 villages in Punjab, Christian committees have been formed in 8,000 villages. On the other hand, 600-700 churches of 4 Christian communities have been built in Amritsar and Gurdaspur districts.

60-70% of these churches have come into existence only in the last 5 years. Surprisingly, these figures are not official, these figures are from the United Christian Front, and the truth may be more shocking than this.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that today Punjab has followed the path of southern states. This is almost the same situation that Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala saw in the 1980s and 1990s when the missionaries started spreading their systems there too. Its side effect was that today a large scale demographic change has taken place in these three states.


  1. Despite your Talibanism, it will grow. People have right to believe what they want, what are you scared of? We are in the 21st century and not in middle ages. When you can not win by words/logic you resort to violence. What is the difference between India and Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia in this regard?


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