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New Delhi

Malala Yousafzai: A White Collar Propaganda Machinery, who always evokes Pak-sponsored propaganda against India


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India is witnessing weird protests since girl students wearing hijab have been banned by a government school in Udupi, Karnataka. The issue has taken an ugly turn and as expected several political parties and religious bodies.

The Muslim girls are claiming that they were being discriminated against and the so-called ‘Hijab ban’ is indeed violating their freedom of religion and fundamental rights, which is enshrined in the constitution of India.

As the protest is gaining momentum, we have seen several renowned personalities have come in support of these girls. The most prominent name is Nobel Peace Prize winner and women’s activist Malala Yousafzai.

She has weighed in support of the girls, and as what was expected from her, she once again made an absurd and highly biased claim that “College is forcing us to choose between studies and the hijab.”

Malala further said that Twitter: “Refusing to let girls go to school in their hijabs is horrifying. Objectification of women persists – for wearing less or more. Indian leaders must stop the marginalization of Muslim women.”

Well, if you decode her tweet, then you may understand how disconnected she is from the ground reality of this matter. She has leveled a big allegation against Indian law and order without any knowledge on this issue. Malala, who claimed to be an unbiased activist, a novel laurate par excellence, but her tweet clearly shows her religious bigotry.

BJP Leader Kapil Mishra exposed her dual-standard and utter bigotry.

In fact, this is not the first time that Malala has spoken wrongly about India, or is expressing her views on it without understanding any issue. She is indeed a seasoned liar, and this reflects in her previous social media assault on India.

When the Indian Government abrogated Articles 370 and 35A, she posted a series of ill-informed and propaganda tweets to defame the Indian Government.

Did you ever see her speak against the human rights violations of the Baloch people? Or did you ever see her speak even a single word against the atrocities against the Uighur Muslims in China?

The Baloch people have raised the issue of their “annihilation” by the Pakistani forces at the forum of UNHRC, but Malala did not extend any support to them. however, here she is asking UNGA to work towards peace in Kashmir.

Indian Ace shooter Heena Sidhu exposed her hypocrisy and dare her to go back to her nation first, and then think about Kashmiri girls.

Well, she never left any opportunity to express concern for Kashmiris. However, it appears highly hypocritical as she has been tight-lipped about atrocities against minorities in her own country. She always keeps quiet on Pakistan’s inhumane blasphemy laws and forced conversions of Hindu girls.

Malala has been extremely selective in denouncing the human rights abuses in Pakistan. She fears the potential backlash from Islamic fanatics, and that may be the reason why she never speaks against the barbarities people have been facing in her own country and other Islamic countries.

Pakistan has been responding hysterically since the time the Indian government scrapped Article 370 which gave special status to Jammu and Kashmir. It seems the Pakistani spy agency has hired her to portray a manipulated picture with false narratives, to get some sort of traction from global leaders and the so-called Liberal-Secular-Leftist cabal.

In 2016, the famous Indian religious guru, Sri Sri Ravishankar once said that Mala doesn’t deserve the Nobel Peace Prize. This statement attracted a lot of angry reactions, especially from India.

However, in the last 5 to 6 years, the way she has tried to malign India’s image in the name of activism and religious bias, it is not wrong to say that she is indeed white-collar propaganda machinery, who is hiding behind the face of a Nobel Laurate but supports the Jihad and Radical Islam strongly.

We do agree that she doesn’t deserve the Nobel peace prize, as she is not a torchbearer of peace, instead, she is spreading and nurturing radical Islamist thinking under the veil of Activism.



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