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Mahant Digvijay Nath, Grand Guru of Yogi Adityanath, injected fire and aggression in Ram Janmabhoomi movement and Hindu ideology politics


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From being called a lawless state, Uttar Pradesh is known for being tough on crime and tougher on criminal today, it has not only delivered good governance, but also is imparting one of the best education and health services. Brand new Uttar Pradesh has become synonymous with fire brand Chief Minister, Yogi Adityanath, who is also Mahant of Gorakhnath Math in Gorakhpur.

It took unrelenting battle of 492 years for Hindus to witness 5 August 2020, a historical day, when construction of Ram Temple began at the very site, where it had been destroyed by Babur in 1528. 492 years of mass movement also included 90 years of legal battle in British Rule and 70 years of legal battle in independent India. Ram temple was not a battleground, still Hindus fought bravely to the last man to protect it from savages of Babur in 1528, facing unexpected brutality of the Islamic attackers. But what has been the forces stopping India from reclaiming its lost glory after independence? In India, the criteria of secularism are the ideology, which demeans, disregards and disrespects Hindu civilizations. 

Firebrand Mahant Yogi Adityanath reminds revolutionary “Mahant Digvijay Nath,” who not only reinforced and consolidated Gorakhnath Math in Gorakhpur, but he fought at the forefront for the Ram Janmabhoomi movement in 1949.       

During 1950s, when Congress was dominating in India, it was unthinkable to endorse Hindu culture and civilization. Demanding Ram Temple to heal the civilizational wound inflicted by Islamic invader, Babur, was akin to committing communal crime. It was Peethadhiswar Mahant, Shri Digvijay Nath, who had dedicated himself for the cause of Ram Janmabhoomi movement in 1949 providing a strong foundation in relentless battle of 492 years.

Mahant Digvijay Nath was born in 1894 as Swaroop Nanhu Singh at Mewar Udaipur Rajasthan. He was initiated into Nath Sampradaya, when he was eight years old, after his mother died. Eight years old boy was brought to Gorakhnath Math by his Nathpanth Yogi, Phul Nath. Nath Sampradaya is confederation of devotees, who worship God Shiva as their first God and first Guru (Teacher). Digvijay Nath grew up in Gorakhnath Math temple at Gorakhpur. He attended St. Andrews college in Gorakhpur for higher education. But, he got drawn to freedom movement against British. He joined Indian National Congress in 1920. He had actively participated in non-cooperation movement launched by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Digvijay Nath extensively mobilised people to boycott British government after non-cooperation movement was launched under the leadership of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi on 4 September 1920 to obtain full governance (Purna Swaraj).

Non-cooperation movement had gained momentum, even if people were jobless and students had stopped attending their academic institutions. However, Gandhi halted non-cooperation movement, in the aftermath of Chauri Chaura incident, in which a police station was set on fire on 4 February 1922 in the Gorakhpur district of United Province (Present Uttar Pradesh and Uttrakhand) in British India. Gandhi negating  the sacrifices of lacs of people to uphold his personal ideology disillusioned Mahant Digvijay Nath. And he left Congress party. Gandhi condemned outrage of people of Gorakhpur, but why did he ignore the brutality of British police of protestors? Digvijay Nath was arrested for his bravery as he had participated in Chauri Chaura incident. 

On 15 August 1935 Digvijay Nath was anointed as the Mahant of Gorakhnath Math temple at Gorakhpur. He joined Hindu Mahasabha in 1937, when Vinayak Damodar Savarkar was its President, and tied Gorakhanth Math with Hindu ideology politics. Stature of Mahant, Digvijay Nath rose to sky as he inspired and motivated people towards Dharma and national duty. He was made head of Hindu Mahasabha of United Provinces.  

After Mahatama Gandhi was assassinated on 30 January 1948 by Nathuram Godse, many Hindu nationalists were arrested. Mahant Digvijay Nath, too, was arrested, but was released after 9 months due to no proof and no role in Gandhi’s murder. Hindu Mahasabha too was targeted.

In December 1949, Mahant Digvijay Nath performed 9-day continuous recitation of Ramcharit Manas with Akhil Bharatiya Ramayan Mahasabha. Thereafter, idols of God Ram and Goddess Sita appeared, but it was alleged that the idols were placed inside the Babri Masjid after reciting of Ramcharit Manas ended. Mahant Digvijay Nath took up the movement of Ram Janmabhoomi from road to Assembly to Parliament with full conviction injecting his political acumen. 

Mahant Digvijay Nath was elected to Lok Sabha from Gorakhpur in 1967, but unfortunately he died mid-term in 1969. Today, when construction of Ram Temple has started to heal the civilizational wound, Hindu community, persecuted for centuries, remembers Mahant Digvijay Nath for his firebrand contribution to Ram Janmabhoomi movement in gratitude.


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