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Love Jihad and Hindu-Muslim Marriages – Why do such affairs always turn against the Hindu partner?


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A lot of conspiracies currently plague Hindu society, two of them are Love jihad and Interfaith marriages between Hindus and Muslims. These are some very well-planned conspiracies to corrupt the women of Hindu society, it is a social evil that is hollowing out our society like termites. Thousands of Hindu girls become victims of this Islamic conspiracy, hundreds lose their lives, while thousands of others are cursed to live a sinister life.

Something similar happens with Hindu males if they establish relationships with Muslim females. In this article, we will cover a couple of recent instances, where such relationships have turned out to be lethal for Hindu partners.

It is our endeavor that the Hindu society understands all aspects of this evil, and our young women do not fall into this vicious cycle. We cannot say when this evil will end, but we can make every effort to make it ineffective by making society aware. Let’s know how cases of love jihad have been seen in the past.

A Muslim Husband murders Hindu Wife for refusing to wear burqa

In a case of love jihad, a Muslim man killed his Hindu wife for allegedly refusing to wear a burqa and following Islamic tradition in the Tilak Nagar area of Mumbai on Monday night. The accused has been identified as Iqbal Mohammad Sheikh. The victim Rupali Chandanshive was in a relationship with Iqbal and got married to him three years back. The couple has a two-year-old son from the marriage.

The family members of Rupali submitted a complaint to the police. They mentioned that Iqbal and his family used to pressurize her to follow Islamic rituals and wear a burqa from the first day of their marriage. However, Rupali did not agree to it. This often led to altercations between the two and Rupali had also left her house and had been staying separately for the last few months.

At around 10 pm on September 26, Iqbal Mohammad Sheikh killed his wife by slitting her throat and injuring her hands with a knife. As per the complainant, the accused and his family members used to pressurise her to follow Islamic traditions and wear clothes that Muslim women wear. However, a family dispute started after the woman refused to do so,” said Vilas Rathod, Inspector of Tilak Nagar Police Station.

Hindu Boy murdered by Muslim men for dating their sister

On August 29, Basti Police arrested two brothers identified as Irfan and Irshad and their cousin Israr for murdering a 19-year-old Hindu boy Ankit as he allegedly was in a relationship with their sister Ameena Khatun. As per the reports, the sister was also found dead under mysterious circumstances.

This gruesome incident took place at Padriya Chet Singh village in the Ruthauli Police Station area on August 26, and the dead body of the deceased Hindu boy was found the next day. The arrests were made following the post-mortem of Ankit that confirmed he was killed by strangulation.

Hindu boy killed over love affair with madrasa cleric’s daughter

On Saturday, September 3, the dead body of a 22-year-old Hindu boy was found hanging from a tree in Uttar Pradesh’s Bareilly district. The deceased, Sunil Kumar, was murdered over a love affair with a girl from the Muslim community. Sunil Kumar’s mouth was gagged and his hands and legs were tied with a rope.

According to the reports, the Muslim girl’s family, particularly her father and brothers, were opposed to their inter-religious affair. Enraged over their relationship, the girl’s father and brothers allegedly kidnapped Sunil Kumar and assaulted him before killing him by hanging him from a tree.

The father of the deceased has lodged a complaint against the girl’s brothers Mohammad Fazal, Mohammad Yasin, Abrar Ahmed, and Sarfaraz Ahmed, all of whom were residents of the same village. Based on the complaint the Bareilly police have registered a case of murder under Section 302 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) against the accused and sent the body of the deceased for post-mortem.

The media and the secular-liberal cabal often ignore instances where Hindus are eliminated by radical Islamists simply because of their Hindu identity. The Hindu victims are usually made not by the perpetrators of the violence against them, but by the media and the establishment that chooses to play up the case of certain victims they can use to build their own motivated narrative while ignoring rampant and regular crimes against those they wish to demonize.


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