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New Delhi

Islamic Terror unleashed – ISIS Terrorists behead more than 50 innocents in Mozambique


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In an extremely shocking incident, more than 50 innocent people have been beheaded in northern Mozambique by ISIS terrorists. The Islamic terrorists turned a football pitch into an “execution ground”, where they decapitated the people and chopped their bodies in the most brutal fashion ever.

As reported by BBC, several other people were also beheaded in a nearby village. Several villagers who were trying to flee were caught, and taken to the local football ground, and beheaded and chopped to pieces mercilessly.

As per multiple eyewitnesses, the gunmen chanted “Allahu Akbar” (“God is greatest”, in English), fired shots, and set homes alight when they raided Nanjaba village.

These brutal and inhumane beheadings are the latest in a series of gruesome attacks that the Islamic Terrorists have carried out in Mozambique in recent times. Since 2017, more than 2,000 people have been killed and about approximately 430,000 were forced to leave their homes due to ongoing conflict in Muslim majority province.

ISIS is getting its foothold in several southern African countries in recent years. The group is exploring the poor and unemployed people in the name of Islam and recruiting thousands of innocent Muslim youth and turning them into brutal terrorists. These Islamic encroachment has dismantled the local gas and ruby industries and left thousands of people unemployed and devastated.

This latest attack was probably the worst carried out by the militants. Many people are shocked, and they are calling for a peaceful resolution to the conflict. Mozambique’s government has appealed for international help to curb the insurgency, saying its troops need specialized training.


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