Suhasini Haider wrote in the Hindu on 14th July that Iran drops India from Chabahar Rail Project. Both are favorites of Left Liberals. There was so much outrage all over. It was indeed a negative development considering Geo politics.
The Indian Govt was pilloried and rightly so.Couple of days later Iran themselves deny dropping India. Massive Silence from Liberals and Mainstream Media.This is reported by Al Jazeera Two issues come to the fore
Due Diligence & Integrity
Mainstream Media is assumed to be an authentic source of news. There needs to be complete due diligence done by them before publishing any article. This is more so for developments related to nation and geo politics.
These same entities cry fowl when individuals and political parties ( selectively) spread fake news on Social Media.
It is good to call out Fake News. But do that for every piece of fake news.
Even if one of your own does it, have the conviction to call it out.
This could be someone in your own profession or part of the political party whose ideology you support.
This integrity seems to be missing in both Mainstream Media as well as self appointed Fact Finders
Isn’t our nation more important than anything else or does the importance of our nation vary depending on which party is in power ?
Govt Action
Why is the govt not taking action ?
If no action is taken then the Fake News being spread will get more and more brazen. This is not at all good for our nation. The govt has been elected to maintain law and order. In my humble opinion spreading fake news is a crime.
I remember the amount of fake news spread by mainstream media during CAA agitation.
The govt has to take strict action to avoid planned propaganda and rumor mongering.
There are several instances of Mainstream Media giving fake news leading to extrapolation and rumors.
It could well be part of a sinister conspiracy
These need to be nip in the bud which can be done only by the ruling dispensation.
Media Moderation (to some extent) is necessary, specially in these uncertain time.
-By Shambho