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Does Safoora Zargar’s pregnancy absolve her from the crime of waging war against the nation?


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What type of a student would call “democratically elected Prime Minister and home minister of a country with thumping majority” terrorists and dare to strip them of their citizenship on public platform until he or she is waging war against the nation? 

Meet Safoora Zargar, 27-year-old M. Phil. student from Jamia, hailing from Kashmir is audaciously calling PM Modi and Home Minister, Amit Shah, terrorists and threatening to strip them of their citizenship in a viral video. Didn’t she commit contempt of Constitution and abuse Indian state, which democratically elected their Prime Minister and Home Minister? 

Zargar, who was arrested on 10 April, has been charged with sedition, possessing arms, murder, attempt to murder, inciting enmity and violence and more under the provisions of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act 1967 [hereinafter UAPA]. According to police, Safoora Zargar reached at Jaffrabad Metro Station in Delhi’s North East district on 23 Feb with a huge violent mob and conspired to set Delhi on fire. Thereafter, violence erupted and claimed more than 50 people’s lives. 

IB official Ankit Sharma, Head constable, Ratan Lal, were brutally killed. Several police personnel, including Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP), Amit Sharma, were injured by anti-CAA protesters-cum-rioters while trying to quell the protests. Special Cell of Delhi Police submitted before the court that she had made inflammatory speeches and was part of a conspiracy to instigate communal violence, which had been planned weeks ago.

In another viral video, Safoora Zargar can be seen inciting blood revolution when she is howling at the top of their voice—दिल्ली तेरे खुन से इंक़लाब आऐगा, कश्मीर तेरे खुन से इंक़लाब आऐगा—in her speech reminding the slogan अफजलतेरे खून से इंकलाब आएगा in JNU. When law and order machinery goes after her, same set of left liberals—whose hearts were bleeding for Yakub Memon, Afzal Guru, Burhan Wani, Sharjeel Imam—are now shedding tears for Safoora Zargar, who is four months pregnant. 

Yakub Memon, a terrorist and mastermind of 1993 Mumbai blasts, is responsible for butchering 250 innocent lives. Having fought tooth and nail to save Memon in Supreme Court at midnight, Left Liberal eco system called India “Killer State” after he was hanged till death following due legal process. Afzal Guru, the mastermind of attack on Indian Parliament in December 2001, was hanged after a final mercy plea was rejected. Left liberal cabal called it “Stain on India’s democracy.” Who can forget slogan of ‘अफजल हम शर्मिंदा हैं, तेरे कातिल जिंदा हैं, अफजल तेरेखून से इंकलाब आएगा’ (Afzal, we are ashamed that your killer is alive, Afzal, your sacrifice would bring revolution.) in JNU in 2016.

When the dreaded terrorist, Burhan Wani, the area commander of Hizbul Mujahideen, was killed in an encounter with the Indian security forces on July 2016, left leaning journalist called him “son of poor headmaster” others called him “a class topper” and a cricket fan to romanticise his image as a poster boy of Kashmiri Youth Icon.” They called Sharjeel Imam, who incited people to cut off North East from the rest of India, a meritorious ‘research scholar’ who had got admission in IIT and JNU.

Safoora Zargar, who allegedly led a violent mob, having conspired to set national capital on fire, who incited blood revolution within India, who abused the integrity of nation by calling democratically elected PM and HM terrorists, to wage war against the nation, happens to be a woman and pregnant. Quite expectedly, left liberal eco system started using Zargar’s womanhood and pregnancy as victim cards. Social Media is flooded with “poor pregnant woman sent to jail.” 

Does womanhood and pregnancy absolve her from the crime of waging war against the nation? Is pregnancy a shield to wage a war against nation? Are Left liberals implying if a criminal gets pregnant, all charges against her should be dropped? India must ask the questions…


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