Indian National Congress, which is facing an uphill battle in the Lok Sabha elections and struggling to win back voter confidence, has came out with its manifesto, announcing a raft of promises to woo the marginalised, such as lifting the 50% cap on quota for SCs, STs and OBCs in addition to reservation in private educational institutions.
It is being said that the party has outlined steps to create jobs, hoping those would strike a chord with the youth, even as it has offered cash doles to women besides pledging to reserve 50% of central government jobs for them.
The 46-page document, titled “Nyay Patra”, promises a legal guarantee for minimum support price (MSP) for farmers’ crops, cashless insurance up to 25 lakhs for universal healthcare, and offers compulsory and free education from Class I to Class XII in public schools.
The Congress has also stated that it will, if voted to power, bring a law to recognize civil union between couples belonging to the LGBTQIA+ community.
You can read the Congress Manifesto here : Link

However, if you read the Congress Manifesto carefully, you will understand that its a horrible yet dangerous piece of document, which put so much emphasis on Radical Islam and conceived many schemes and policies to support the radical Islam in India. We would not like to mince any word to say that its like the “Vision 2047” document released by the terrorist organization PFI.
Let’s have a look towards the most objectionable points of manifesto
- Will bring back the ‘Evil’ Triple Talak Law (Muslim personal law) – The page 8 says, We will respect and uphold the fundamental right to practice one’s faith and the rights guaranteed to religious minorities under Articles 15, 16, 25, 26, 28, 29 and 30 of the Constitution. This is a clear reference that Congress will bring back the Triple Talaq and ensure Muslim Personal Law and other ‘Minority’ (read Muslim) specific laws or practices remain intact.
- Reservation to Muslim in Government and Private jobs (to implement Sachchar committee report) – On Page 7, its written ” Congress will establish a Diversity Commission that will measure, monitor and promote diversity in public and private employment and education.” Well, do you need any crash course to understand the intention behind this promise?
- Support Love Jihad (Right to Love) – On page 21, Congress says that “We promise not to interfere with personal choices of food and dress, to love and marry, and to travel and reside in any part of India. All laws and rules that interfere unreasonably with personal freedoms will be repealed”. Well, this is a clear indication that they will promote Love Jihad in the name of “Right to Love”.
- Support Burqa in school (Right to Dress) – Page 8 says, Congress will ensure that, like every citizen, minorities have the freedom of choice of dress, food, language and personal laws. Well, in the name of freedom of choice of dress, they are advocating practice of Burqa in Schools and other educational institutes.
- End majoritarianism in the Country (End Hinduism) – On page 7, it says “Congress believes that there is no place for authoritarianism or majoritarianism.” Well what do you think about this promise? Who is in Majority in India? Well, we don’t need Google or any Research to know this very fact, that its Hindus who are in majority in India. Does this give an indication that Congress is saying that there is no place for Hinduism?
- Ban bulldozer action against Terrorists and Criminals – On page 39, it says that “Congress is firmly opposed to extra-judicial illegal measures like mob lynching, police encounter killings and bulldozer justice. We will stop them immediately and punish the perpetrators in accordance with law.” Well, we believe you have got the sense of Congress’s intention here.
- Support Gaza (Hamas and other Terror Organizations) – On page 40, Congress says that “Unfortunately, in many areas, foreign policy under the BJP/NDA government has witnessed marked departures from this consensus, notably on the ongoing Gaza conflict. Congress pledges to restore India’s global reputation as a voice of peace and moderation in world affairs.” Congress is ready to support terrorist groups in the name of peace and moderation in world affairs.
- Legalize Same Sex Marriage, Gender Fluidity, Trans Movement – On page 9, Congress will bring a law to recognize civil unions between couples belonging to the LGBTQIA+ community. Well, you may find it normal and sensible, but going by the design of Congress, it says otherwise and they are all set to destroy the Indian Social System.
- Increase Muslim judges in judiciary – On page 24, Congress says that “More women and persons belonging to the SC, ST, OBC and minorities will be appointed as judges of the High Courts and the Supreme Court”. Here they have mentioned various sections of the society, but going by their intentions and track record, they are all set to promote the so called minority in the Judiciary.
- To bring Communal violence bill (Highly anti-Hindu or anti-Majority bill) -On Page 39, Congress says that “According to NCRB data, crimes against women, SC, ST and minorities have increased. We will identify the perpetrators of such crimes as well as their sponsors and punish them in accordance with law”. Well, did you get the flavor of the highly infamous Communal Violence Bill proposed by Congress in 2013? Its the same, though in slightly different words.
- Legalize beef (right to eat Cows) – Page 8 says, Congress will ensure that, like every citizen, minorities have the freedom of choice of dress, food, language and personal laws. Well, in the name of freedom of choice of food, they are advocating right to eat Beef and Cows.
- Separate loan interest for Muslims (Sharia Banking) – On page 16, they say that “. In particular, we will vastly enhance the credit extended to Self Help Groups by banks, Non-Banking Financial Companies and Micro Finance Institutions”.” Well, do you know what is this Self-Help Group? Well, you must read the suggestions by the RBI Governor during Congress’s regime, who was hell bent to kickstart the Sharia Banking in India.
Well, its quite clear that Congress is hell bent on destroying the Hindu Dharma at any cost. In the name of Nyay Patra, they have released an anti-Hindu and Pro-Radical Islamic manifesto, where they want to keep all evil practices intact and also want to bring back all the demonic precedence that have been ended by the Modi Government.
All those Hindu who are thinking to vote the INDI Alliance, NOTA or independent candidates, must read this article and should perform a serious introspection, so that they can take sensible decision to prevent a hara-kiri of Hindu Dharma and Indian Democracy.