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China is in Deep Panic: Is it planning to orchestrate a Diplomatic or Military Misadventure??


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Panic is a very strange phenomenon, if any person is in panic, he/she does not care what it takes to come out of that situation, but something drastic must be done. Now how a Nation must react if a panic situation seeds? and what if that nation is China?

Well, a nation that feels threatened may take drastic steps to sacrifice its economy, social system, or even its own citizens in the name of countering an irrational fear. We have seen numerous such examples during the COVID pandemic, where most of the nations spent moolah, implemented strict lockdowns, and took several other unprecedented steps, which may be termed against humanity otherwise.

Now a similar situation has been brewing in China due to multiple reasons, and unfortunately, China is one such nation, which is known for carrying out misadventures to diffuse such situations and divert its citizens against its failures. Before going any further, let’s have a recap of a few unprecedented developments happening in China, which is causing a deep-seething fear among the communist party leadership.

Real Estate Crashed – China’s second-largest real estate company Evergrand has officially defaulted and is now preparing to file bankruptcy and declare itself bankrupt. If that was not enough, other major real estate majors such as China Properties, Fantasia Holdings, and Sinic Holdings have all defaulted on offshore notes, and very soon may face the same fate as Evergrand.

Corporate Migration – Several hundred companies are mostly from the Japan, USA, and South Korea have already moved outside China, and many more are planning to move. What is more astonishing is that even many Chinese companies are willing to move their businesses to other nations due to strict clampdown by the Communist government.

Global Anti-Chinese sentiments – There is no doubt that the World is experiencing a strong anti-Chinese sentiment for the last couple of years, past COVID that sentiment has been skyrocketed. Be it the Chinese debt trap policy, mishandling of COVID pandemic, frequent tension with its neighbors, or its dubious international standing, everything has contributed a lot to make evil out of China.

Internal Security Threats – As per several reports, 10 mysterious blasts have taken place in China in the last 7 days, killing several Chinese and suppressing the news with full force.

Warmongering Policy – The Chinese government itself has asked its citizens to deposit food items, it is not normal for a government to appeal to its citizens to deposit such essential commodities and food items, as such statements by the governments spread panic among the public.

COVID returns – Coronavirus is again spreading in China, and this time it is growing rapidly. Public places, schools, malls are having to be closed, various events already planned are being canceled, and at present, the covid cases in China have reached a 3-month high.

Energy Crisis – China is facing the worst electricity crisis, and it doesn’t seem to be declining and now the import of coal by China has doubled, whereas the lack of power generation has impacted its manufacturing capabilities and other important operations.

Rising Inflation – For the first time in the last 26 years, the cost of goods leaving China’s factories surged by a record rate, which is causing grave pain to the consumers. The Producer Price Index jumped 13.5% in October from a year ago, accelerating from September’s 10.7%, which is the highest increase since the mid-1990s.

The series of negative news from China is constantly pointing out that the situation in China is really grim and it could turn critical if the Communist party doesn’t take adequate steps to contain it. However, the Communist Party of China is known for creating a diversion to deal with such situations, and this time also they can play around with their evil strategies to orchestrate a global Diplomatic or Military misadventure.

If you observe the pattern, then China has suddenly started showing aggression with India and Taiwan. It is not participating with other countries on a global level, as it skipped the Climate Control meeting, and at the same time, it declined to participate in NSA level talks of several countries on Afghanistan.

China is ramping up its troops across the LAC (Line of actual control), and it has mobilized some modern weaponry in the Ladakh sector to carry out something nefarious. China is miffed with the formation of QUAD and AUKUS groups, which are primarily against China, and it is trying everything to thwart the relationships of these nations.

Amid such a situation, China is definitely trying to divert the attention of its citizens towards an external threat to diffuse the internal tensions and potential repercussions due to all the above issues.

In our opinion, the Indian Government must keep a close eye over every minute of development and take proactive steps to counter any misadventure. Winters are approaching, hence chances of any aggression in the Ladakh region are minuscule, but border areas of Arunachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand must be secured to thwart any misadventure of China.


  1. The world should get together and teach China a lesson.Rogue countries like China should be annexed and broken into small countries


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