In a big political blow to the Samajwadi Party ahead of the Uttar Pradesh assembly elections, Mulayam Singh Yadav’s daughter-in-law Aparna Yadav has joined the BJP, today in New Delhi.
The BJP-SP rivalry reached a notch higher with the BJP now poaching a family member of the Yadav family in a tit-for-tat move to counter the Samajwadi Party’s poaching of BJP’s ministers. This move is certainly going to send a message across that Akhilesh Yadav is not even successfully able to convince his own family members.
UP Deputy chief minister Keshav Prasad Maurya said as he welcomed ‘Mulayam Singh Ji’s Choti bahu’ into the BJP fold. He said that “despite being the bahu of Mulayam Singh Yadav, Aparna Yadav expressed her opinions on several issues from time to time. We used to feel she is part of the BJP family”.
UP BJP Chief Swatantra Dev was also present on this occasion, he expressed happiness and said that “during Akhilesh Yadav’s rule in Uttar Pradesh, western UP was under Azam Khan. There was no safety for women”.
Aparna Yadav thanked PM Modi and the party and said PM Modi’s ideologies always inspired her as she also believes in the ‘Nation first’ idea.
That Aparna Yadav would be joining the BJP was being speculated for the past few days. On Tuesday, Aparna flew to Delhi and was supposed to meet BJP chief JP Nadda on Wednesday before officially joining the BJP