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New Delhi

Dwivendra Devtadeen Dubey

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Dharmic Advocates present strong judegments to the Hon’ble Court in relation to Hijab Ban Case

Today I appeared with Adv. Subhash Jha before the Hon'ble Karnataka High Court in Hijab Ban Case, we argued on the basis of Judgments...

Onslaught on democracy similar like emergency period : Lawyers for Just society, Mumbai.

Mumbai : A independent organisation of Lawyers in Mumbai , Lawyers for just society called this act of arresting Arnab as a attack of...

Ban on Media/Sudarshan or Voice? Supreme Court restrained Sudarshan News on broadcasting “UPSC Jihad”.

Supreme Court on Tuesday restrained the Sudarshan TV from telecasting the 'UPSC Jihad' show after it feels that the show was against the Muslim...

Cleaning the Bollywood of Jihadi forces and Decentralization thereof

The decay in Bollywood had started way back in 1984 with Haji Mastan, a notorious smuggler entering politics and then infiltrating Bollywood. He was...