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New Delhi

Analysis of the day: Have we easily accepted the Human rights violation against Pakistani Hindus?


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Does this news clip shake your inner core so much that you lose sleep over it ?? Definitely , it doesn’t ! These cases have occurred and have been reported far too many times ! We have normalized it as we have normalized global warming or extinction of rare animal species ! We are sensitized to such occurrences to a level where the fear, the anguish , the pain, of these little girls no longer rattle our liberal sensibilities.

Its quite amusing and baffling that the placard holders for human rights who are so keen on hijab imposition, who kept a candle light vigil for Dhananjay the rapist , whose hearts bleed for Afzal Guru …do not bother to pen one article against these henious crimes !

This gross human rights violation that happens on a regular basis in Pakistan finds no uproar amongst the fiberals of India !

Wake up and smell the hypocrisy !


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