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7 Myths vs Facts about Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, which every Indian must know


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We are living in an information era, where every data and fact can ne used to build a specific narrative to gain a specific objective. Few people have understood this and they are using nefarious tactics to carry out their propaganda and diminish the image of their adversaries.

India is also witnessing information warfare unleashed against its Government and several other constitutional bodies by Congress and Left-liberal cabal. The most common foe of opposition which always remains at receiving end of vile propaganda for several decades is indeed RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh). It is the most common target for this cabal, which loves to target it and spread a plethora of myths about RSS.

In this article have compiled a list of few myths associated with RSS, and we will try to counter all these myths and propaganda to help you get the real essence of RSS.

Myth 1 – RSS is an Anti-National organization
Myth Buster 1: Contrary to the most common jibe against RSS, it is indeed one of the most nationalistic organizations in India. RSS is known for instilling the values of nationalism in its member. It has shown so much nationalism, that even the most bitter rival of RSS, the then PM Jawaharlal Nehru, invited RSS to participate in the 1963 Republic day parade.

Picture Credit – Quora

It was the RSS that helped Indian soldiers and civilians during all the wars like 1962, 1965, 1971, where it took the responsibility of supplying the food and other important stuff to our soldiers. During the 1965 Indo-Pak war, it was the then Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri, who requested the RSS to help manage the traffic in Delhi, so that the police force can be utilized for other defense duties. During the 1948s Pakistani invasion of Kashmir, It was RSS, which cleared the snow so that the Indian air force could land their aircraft and helped them secure our land.

RSS also offers its help during every natural calamity or pandemic. They run blood donation camps and vaccination camps for common people. They offer ration, clothes and other important material for the needy people and help them getting shelter as well.

Myth 2: RSS is a fundamentalist organization
Myth Buster 2 – RSS is a nationalist organization, which is pro-Hindutva as well. Though its ideology says that India is a land of Hindus and we have two kinds of Hindus in India, one who are Hindu today and those who were Hindus in past and got converted to other religions and faith. As per RSS, every Indian is a Hindu by culture, traditions, and ancestry, and that concept is known as the Hindutva. RSS never preaches any violent religious doctrine using any sacred book or put any efforts to convert people from other religion into Hinduism.

Picture Credit – Hindustan Times

Hence, calling RSS a fundamentalist organization is certainly not correct. RSS is an organization that supports and demands the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) in India, which means having a common type of inheritance, marriage, and divorce laws for every citizen, which shows that RSS believes in equality, irrespective of religion, caste and creed.

Myth 3: RSS is a Terrorist or Fascist organization.
Myth Buster 3: This is the most common accusation against the RSS, which is labeled by Congress and few Islamic organizations. Whereas, contrary to this propaganda, RSS is an organization that does not preach violence in any of its Shakhas. Rather, it teaches people to feel proud of India’s glorious tradition and culture. It teaches swayamsevaks the techniques of self-defense and social services. It never advocates to kill or convert people from other religions or belief systems. If any RSS member is convicted of any heinous crime, it will never play communal or victim card.

Picture Credit – India Today

RSS truly believes in the constitutional structure and Indian law for any sort of redressal. Apart from that RSS never create any law and order situation in India, instead, it is known for asking its member to handle adverse situations or natural calamity. Even during the partition, when the Indian Government was unable to control the violence, it was RSS which organized more than 3000 relief camps for Hindu-Sikh who came from Pakistan and helped them with all sorts of support.

Myth 4: RSS is against Muslims and Christian.
Myth Buster 4: Well, it is the most common allegation against RSS, but in reality, it considers every Indian irrespective of caste and creed as cultural Hindus. RSS believes in the ideology of Hindutva, which is based on the principle of all-encompassing, and that’s why It never has a separate Shakha for Muslims or Christians, as it organizes a single shakha for every individual. Anyone can become an active member of RSS as long as they believe in India and respect Bharat Mata. RSS is against those who work against India’s sovereignty, culture, and heritage

Myth 5: RSS is only for Hindu males.
Myth Buster 5: This is the most common attack on RSS, especially by the woke and pseudo feminists. However, they hardly aware of the basic structure of RSS, it has two separate sections, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh for males and Rastra Sevika Samiti for females.

Picture Credit – The Print

Both parts have equal importance and relevance and both are thriving in India for decades. Both sections offer their assistance during any emergency situation, take out marches, celebrate India’s cultural and heritage festivals, and sincerely believe in glorifying India’s national Hindutva icons. Hence, this myth is an utter lie and plain propaganda to malign the image of RSS.

Myth 6: RSS Killed Mahatma Gandhi.
Myth Buster 6: Mahatma Gandhi was killed by NAthuram Godse, but still opposition always links RSS with Gandhi’s murder. IT is important to note that Nathuram Godse had left RSS in the 1930s itself and he had no relation with RSS for the next 18 years.

Picture Credit – GOI

Even the Justice Kapur Commission Report clearly said that: “RSS as such were not responsible for the murder of Mahatma Gandhi, meaning thereby that one could not name the organization as such as being responsible for that most diabolical crime, the murder of the apostle of peace. It has not been proved that they (the accused) were members of the RSS”.

Also, Nathuram Godse, the convict was hanged within months, bringing justice to the whole incident, and RSS never created any issues or played a victim card for Godse. Hence, it is quite clear that RSS was never a part of Gandhi’s murder at any point in time.

Myth 7: RSS works only for Hindus.
Myth Buster 7: This is another myth, and it has no standing as RSS considers India a single society and it respects every Indian individual, irrespective of their caste and creed. RSS is the only organization, which offered help during natural disasters like the 2001 Gujarat earthquake, the 2004 Tsunami in Tamilnadu, 2009’s massive flood in Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, 2013’s Uttarakhand floods. RSS always comes to the rescue when any rail, bus, and other such accidents happen.

Picture Credit – Times of India

RSS is also forefront to help people in case of man-made disasters like the 2012 Assam riots caused by illegal foreign settlers from Bangladesh. RSS runs almost 2 Lakh different kinds of projects across India via its organizations like Sewa Bharati. RSS offers all support and assistance to people in need, and it never assists on the basis of caste, language, state, religion, color, and creed.

Picture Credit – Jagran

RSS runs 27,041 Ekal Vidyalaya in remote tribal areas where people are not getting educational facilities due to the Naxal problem, it ensured more than 7 Lakh socially deprived tribal students are enrolled and joined the mainstream of education with the help of RSS. Hence, this myth is also an exaggeration by the opposition parties and Islamic groups, who try their best to malign the name of RSS.

RSS is in fact the world’s largest voluntary service organization with over 60,00,000 active members, plus millions of supporters, who believe in Hindutva, Humanity, and Bharat Mata. RSS believes in Karma and it never promotes its work like normal NGOs and other such social service organization.

Irrespective of such a barrage of personal attacks and propaganda, RSS never loose its focus and it keeps on working to strengthen the Indian culture, Hindutva and infuse nationalism in every Indian. Might be that is the reason why every anti-national element is after RSS and utilize every possible opportunity to demean such a nationalist organization. We hope these points will help you understand the reality of RSS and you will be able to counter the RSS adversaries.


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