Education plays an important role in shaping and socializing the individuals and it helps to keep society smoothing and remain stable. The primary objective of education is to impart knowledge among the individuals within society, and to prepare and qualify them to work for the welfare of the society and country, as well as to integrate people into society and teach them morals and values of society. But what will happen if the Education is biased or faulty?
In this article, we will cover few issues we have seen recently and the challenges we are observing in our education sector and what kind of impact it may have on our current and future generations.
Some recent issues in our Education Syllabus
An NCERT history textbook for class 12th mentioned that Mughal rulers had indeed helped to build and maintain the Hindu temples has created a severe outrage recently. The writer of this book cited the reigns of Shah Jahan and Aurangzeb to say that even when temples were destroyed during wars, the grants were later issued for their repair.

Obviously, this created an uproar among the people, but what infuriate the people more was the response of NCERT, which was not making any sense at all. An RTI was filed, seeking the source of the claim published in the textbook, and that revealed that the NCERT does not have any information available for the same in its department files. Isn’t this shocking?
In the latest issue, a children’s poem in Class 1 Hindi textbooks published by NCERT has been the subject of criticism in social media for its objectionable language.

This poem ‘Aam ki tokri’ uses the word ‘chhokri’ (a non-derogatory slang term for girl) to talk about a six-year-old girl carrying a basket of mangoes over her head to sell them. The poem has also been criticized for promoting child labor. It raises some serious doubts about the quality control in NCERT.
To make the matter worst, the NCERT tweeted to defend this and said that “With reference to the inclusion of poems in NCERT textbooks: It is to state that, in consonance with NCF-2005 perspective and with an objective to provide children exposure to a vocabulary of local languages, these poems were included at that time. Isn’t this shameful?
Now come to the next one, see how NCERT books is openly mocking the hindu scripture Ramayana and its writer Goswami Tulsidas. It clearly raises illogical and shameful questions over Ramayana, Bhagwan Ram and hurt the sentiments of Hindus.

Don’t you think this is an outcome of a coordinated effort to demean Hinduism and Gods?
Here is another instance of concocted educational syllabus to address the vested interests. Here the NCERT included the Enid Blyton’s story for their English book, where they change the given name ‘Henry’ to ‘Hari’ to distract child’s belief system.

Step By Step Destruction of our Education System by Leftist Gang
Right from the independence, the Congress Government was hand in gloves with the Leftist gang to destroy the Indian Education System. They are working on the laid down procedure to diminish the Indian-ness of our curriculum and include alien objects to destroy our hindu belief system and knowledge.
Our Education system is comprises of an HRD Minister, administrators that are appointed in several education and research bodies and propagandists of the Left Liberal cabal, who consider history as a tool in their ideological campaign to construct a pseudo secular India, that also incorporate the reconstructed histories and evidences that can easily justify there political goals.
They have targeted the NCERT textbooks, as these books are read by entire population and have been a massive influence on the way Indians look at India. These textbooks are written by the members of this Leftist liberal cabal members such as Romila Thapar, Arjun Dev, R.S. Sharma, Bipan Chandra, and Satish Chandra, who have botched up all the concepts and knowledge and gave a highly biased understanding of the present through an botched up understanding of the past.
Unfortunately our education has been handled by politicians, administrators and left leaning ideologues, who did every attempt to messed up the history on the basis of historiography and historical evidence about which they had absolutely no idea.
It has also been observed that NCERT is doing Islamization through its highly biased and anti-Hindu books in CBSE Board, whereas ICSE Board is doing Christianization through its syllabus. There must be One Board and One Syllabus across the Nation.
How to fix our Education System?
Well, the only way to fix such issues is to remove the leftist members and re-write the syllabus completely. The previous non-congress governments did try to make some changes, but every time they have to face the coordinated attack from all quarters, and any such attempts were branded as an attempt to ‘saffronise’ academic institutions.
Modi government did try something in this regard and received heavy resistance when they dropped three prominent Marxist historians from the NCERT board. The exclusion of Romila Thapar, Bipin Chandra and Satish Chandra, left-wing historians of repute, from the NCERT board has sparked off a massive controversy and also some anxiety over the rewriting of history at the instance of Sangh Parivar ideologues.
But apart from that we haven’t seen any major step from the Modi government to change this left leaning and anti Hindu education syllabus.
Even the NDA Minister Javadekar once has dismissed the allegations that the Modi government was trying to saffronise education by focusing on its Hindutva ideology and rewriting history textbooks. On the question of rewriting history to espouse the ideology of the RSS, Javadekar said, “We have not rewritten a single chapter in the last four years.”
Well, this is not how we can fix these discrepancies in our education system. We must be brave and bold enough to take the pressure of opposition and left-liberal cabal to the chin and make the necessary changes in our education as quickly as possible. We must always remember that education will decide the future course of our nation and citizens, if we cant fix the education mess, then we are going to pay heavily for this in the future.