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New Delhi

By visiting Ladakh, PM Modi displayed the dominance and grit over Chinese dragon


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The importance of PM Narendra Modi’s visit to Nimu, Ladakh cannot be stated enough. If China or any other country thought that they were the leader in psy-ops (psychological operations), they were probably talking pro-Modi era. Today, PM Modi, accompanied by Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat, and Army Chief General MM Naravane addressed the troops at Nimu, 11,000 feet up in the Himalayas, on the banks of the river Indus. It was a surprise visit and even the media was taken unawares. With this one visit to Ladakh, Modi has put Xi Jinping on the backfoot with respect to his Army, for sure.

The PLA of China has already been simmering with indignity because neither their country dared to declare the true number about their casualties, nor about their dead, in their unprovoked attack on Indian soldiers in Galwan. The parents of the martyred soldiers of the PLA were reportedly upset that their sons who gave up their life for their Nation, did not receive any respect from the CCP. In contrast our Veerangads were given the highest respect from the Government and more so, from the people of our country. This respect given by our citizens was highlighted by PM Modi in his speech today. “Every single Indian across the world, especially in India, has the belief that you all can deliver and keep the nation strong and safe. Your courage is higher than the heights where you are stationed. Your arms are as strong as the mountains that surround you. Your confidence, determination and belief are as atal (immovable) as the peaks here,” he said. The PM also landed a punch to the PLA when he said, “the enemy has seen your fire and fury” and “The conditions in which you all deliver your best are among the toughest in the world, and you have proven time and again that the Indian armed force is mightier and better than everyone else in the world.”

He didn’t stop there. He sent a strong message to the world about how Bharat is no longer a weak nation which is dependent on others for Her safety. Prime Minister Narendra Modi said: “The weak can never accomplish peace, the brave do.” Further he said that Bharat was a country which worshiped the flute wielding Sri Krishna just as much as the Sudarshan Chakra Sri Krishna, an allegory to peace and war. Without mentioning China, Modi also sent across a message to them when he said, “The world has given up Vistaarvaad (expansionism). This has destroyed the world. History has proved that expansionist forces have often perished. This is the age of Vikaswaad (Development).” Chants of “Bharat Mata ki jai” and “Vande Mataram” broke out when he arrived at Nimu as also at the end of his speech.

Pic Credit: Twitter

Our neighbours will definitely feel the heat of this visit because they (China and Pakistan) cannot compete with our PM when it comes to a genuine show of appreciation to the soldiers. Do remember that PM Modi spends his Diwali every year with our Armed Forces since the time he came to power. He has also stood by them steadfastly through all the mudslinging that the Congress, AAP and CPIM parties have done on our Army and their officers. When the office bearers of these parties along with their crony journalists on TV have repeatedly questioned the actions and victories of our Armed Forces, PM Modi and his Party (BJP) have resolutely supported them. Today, the morale of our Forces definitely will have got another boost. And yes, our Air Force personnel too were part of this visit. Look at the picture of two of our Air Force personnel and take a good look at the patches on their uniform. This patch is worn by those who took part in the Balakot Strike … Burn …


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