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New Delhi

Terrorists attacked BJP leader’s house in J&K- A Three years old Boy Killed in the name of Islamic Jihad


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Islamic Jihadis are a curse to humanity, the moment we thought they have fallen enough, they orchestrate something which displays their religious fanaticism further. In the latest such incident, a three-year-old child has been killed when terrorists lobbed a grenade on the residence of a BJP leader in Rajouri.

An innocent 3 years old Veer was among the seven members of BJP leader Jasbir Singh’s family who were injured in the attack on his house in the Khandli area of the district last night. Veer succumbed to his injuries during treatment at the government medical college hospital in Rajouri around midnight, and his body had been handed over to the family for last rites.

Picture Credit – Today Talks

As per the report, Jasbir Singh’s family was sitting in the courtyard of the house at around 9:30 pm when the terrorists hurled a grenade on his house, which exploded with a loud bang. The whole family came under the grip of this explosion. Nearby people took seven injured to Rajouri Hospital where a three-year-old child died during treatment.

The entire family of BJP Mandal President Jasbir Singh has been a patriot. Four brothers and father, including Jasbir, are retired from the army. After the retirement of Jasbir Singh, he was associated with Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Bajrang Dal, and then joined BJP. Jasbir also contested the election of ward members of the city council from the area.

The Security Forces are on high alert and a massive search operation is being carried out to identify and eliminate those terrorists who have carried out such a heinous act in the name of Jihad.

However, we are failed to understand the evil mentality behind the so-called Jihadis, who never shy to kill a 3 years old boy in the name of their religion. This dastardly act has shaken the core of the people and several protests have been started in Jammu and Kashmir and people are demanding justice for a 3 years old innocent boy, who was mercilessly killed in the name of Islamic Jihad.

Well, sooner or later, our armed forces will hunt them down, and this act may invoke people to think about the Islamic Jihad, which indeed is a curse to humanity and if not controlled, could devastate it completely.


  1. Terrorists doesn’t kill infant or grownup, man or woman, boy or girl, BJP or Congress for that matter no political affiliations, rich or poor. Terrorists kill anybody who is not in conformity with their ideology and unfortunately most of the world including large Muslim population is not in conformity with their archaic ideology.


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