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Tag: Xi Jinping


China’s Evil Empire – The saga of China’s own HOLOCAUST and ‘Organ Harvesting Business’

China is in news for all wrong reasons these days. Be it the COVID pandemic, its communist regime, its constant tussles with its neighbors,...

एकम्-एकम् इंच इति भूमि रक्षणाय सजगम् अस्माकं सैन्यम् नेतृत्वम् च्-अमित शाह: ! एक-एक इंच जमीन बचाने के लिए हैं सजग हमारी सेना और नेतृत्व-अमित...

फोटो साभार livehindustan.com पूर्वी लद्दाखे चिनेन सह निरन्तरं सिम्नी कलहे गृहमंत्री: अमित शाह: अकथयत् तत मोदी सरकार देशस्य एकम्-एकम् इंच इति भूमिम् रक्षणाय पूर्णतया सजगमस्ति...

Trump says it LOUD and CLEAR – “China caused a great damage to USA and the World”

US President Trump is known for his outspoken and frank attitude, he never hesitates to put things in correct perspective. Today while upping the...