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Tag: west bengal


Why it is important to have BJP rule in West Bengal?

India to witness assembly elections in few crucial states in the forthcoming months, and the most important one is certainly West Bengal's election. BJP...

West Bengal : The Dilutuon of Durga pooja in the garb of Liberalism, Part 1

Durga Puja is not just the major festival of Bengal. It is an emotion, a feeling of De Ja Vu for Bengalis all over...

BENGAL’S ENCOUNTER WITH FASCISM & The entry of youth BJP leader Tejwasvi Surya

I have been born and raised in Kolkata, West Bengal and hence Bengal's date with political violence as well as state sponsored atrocities on...

पश्चिम बंगम् भाजपा पार्षद हननस्य प्रकरणे राज्यपालः ममता आरक्षक महानिदेशकम् च् अप्रेषयत् आह्वानपत्रम् ! पश्चिम बंगाल बीजेपी पार्षद हत्या के मामले में राज्यपाल ने...

पश्चिम बङ्गे एकम् भाजपा नेतुः च् गोलिकाम् हनीत्वा हननम् अक्रियते ! प्रकरण राज्यस्य उत्तर २४ परगना जनपदस्य अस्ति यत्र रविवासरम् रात्रि केचन अज्ञात खलानि...

While building fake narrative continues against BJP ruled States, there is as usual dead silence over the murder of democracy in West...

BJP leader Manish Shukla was shot dead on Sunday by two masked assaulters near Titagarh in Barrackpore district. Tensions aroused in the district after...

पश्चिम बंगम् :शासन स्व हस्ते गृह्यते करिष्यते विचारम् – राज्यपाल जगदीप धनखड़: ! पश्चिम बंगाल :शासन अपने हाथ में लेने पर करना होगा विचार...

मीडिया सूत्रों के अनुसार : पश्चिम बङ्गे मुख्यमंत्री ममता बनर्जी राज्यपाल जगदीप धनखड़स्य मध्य पूर्व बहु कालात् कलहम् चलति यत् सम्प्रति अबर्ध्यत् च् अवलोकयति !...