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Tag: vedic scriptures


Vedic Knowledge- Wisdom for Humanity

Source: San Diego Spiritual Center (fb.com/sandiegospiritualcenter) Sat Parashar, PhD This is the world of data and information. We hear of information explosion; good, bad and ugly....

Importance of Vedic Knowledge in Modern Times

Why was it that we Indians, always look at what is wrong with India and never appreciate what is great about our country? As...

वैदिक घड़ी अर्थ

देखिये, जानिए और समझिए कि भारत के सभी वस्तुओं को कैसे - कैसे नष्ट किया गया है ◆ 12:00 बजने के स्थान पर आदित्या: लिखा...