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New Delhi

Tag: Samajwadi PArty


Big Blow to Samajwadi Party – Aparna Yadav, Mulayam Singh Yadav’s daughter-in-law, joins BJP

In a big political blow to the Samajwadi Party ahead of the Uttar Pradesh assembly elections, Mulayam Singh Yadav's daughter-in-law Aparna Yadav has joined...

Samajwadi MP Shafiqur Rahman calls Ram Mandir ‘Illegally and Forcibly built’; Is this the official line of Akhilesh Yadav?

Samajwadi Party MP Shafiqur Rahman Burke who is known for making the communal and senseless statement has once again made a controversial statement. He...

विकास दुबे एनकाउंटर – अपराधियों के सहारे सत्ता की सीढ़ी चढ़ने वाले सारे राजनेता हुए एक्सपोज़

कानपुर का कुख्यात गैंगस्टर विकास दुबे, जिसे पुलिस पिछले कई दिनों से तलाश रही थी, वो कल ही उज्जैन से पकड़ा गया था, आज...