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New Delhi

Tag: China


Dragon losing its TEETH: China’s economy is going into downward spiral, showing signs of serious trouble

The world's second-largest economy and the so called World's Manufacturing hub isn't growing, producing, or trading as much as it usually does. The pandemic...

US tech Millionaire helped push Chinese propaganda in India via News Click and Congress’s support

A recent investigation by The New York Times found that US tech baron Neville Roy Singham helped push Chinese propaganda worldwide through his network...

Here’s how India snatched Sri Lanka out of the clutches of Evil China

Sri Lanka, an island nation which was engulfed in a massive economic crisis has started recovering with the help of India. Expressing his gratitude...

India and Brazil Falters an Evil Chinese plan to expand BRICS

India and Brazil have resisted China's evil attempt to expand the BRICS group of fast-growing markets to increase their political power and counter the...

In a BIG SETBACK to China, India is creating a Power Grid for South Asia

Indian PM is considering trading power with Southeast Asian countries through Myanmar and Thailand. New Delhi looks to use its growing renewables capacity to...

‘Evil’ China renames 11 places in Arunachal Pradesh, India says “Invented Names” won’t alter Reality

China at its best again. In its latest attempt to lay claim to areas inside India's territory, the Chinese government on Sunday announced the...