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Muslim mob dared to lynch a Bihar Police Officer in Bengal, as they know they would be called victim by ‘Left Liberal eco system’ like Tabrez Ansari


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A Muslim mob in West Bengal brutally lynched a 50 years old Bihar Police Officer, when he was conducting raids to recover a stolen bike. His old age mother couldn’t bear the shock of his son’s brutal death, and died of heart attack to see her son’s mortal remains, 24 hours after his lynching. 

Who emboldened such Muslim bike thieves gang to lynch a police officer on duty? It is the country’s self-proclaimed liberal, seculars and left leaning journalists, who encouraged such criminals to lynch a police officer on duty. It is the same cabal, who had projected a criminal, a bike thief Tabrez Ansari as a victim in Jharkhand in June 2019, and had disgraced the country on international platforms. It is the same cabal of liberals, seculars and left leaning journalists, who have blood on their hands for the death of Bihar Police Officer and his mother. 

Ashwini Kumar, a resident of Purnia district, who was posted as Station House Officer at Kishanganj Police Station, was known for his strict policing and crackdown on liquor smugglers. SHO, Ashwini Kumar was conducting a raid to search the culprit in the neighbouring area under Panjipoda police station of West Bengal in connection with a bike theft case. When he reached the village in Uttar Dinajpur, he was surrounded by the Muslim mobs, who started attacking him with sticks and stones.

Uttar Dinajpur of West Bengal shares border with Kishanganj in Bihar. It is common practice by criminals to run away across the border to escape the police. Ashwini Kumar had crossed the border to carry out the raid to nab the criminals. Bihar Police Association stated that Ashwini Kumar had approached the local police for help. They had promised to send a supporting team, but failed to do so. Somehow, Kumar was rescued by a police team from Panjipoda outpost and was rushed to Islampur Sadar Hospital, where he was declared brought dead by doctors. Seven police personnel, who were part of a raiding team to go to West Bengal village to recover a stolen bike, were placed under suspension for fleeing the spot of violence, when Kumar was mob lynched.  

When his old age mother, Urmila Devi heard the news of his son’s death, she passed out. After she regained consciousness, her condition continued to deteriorate. She died of a heart attack upon seeing her son’s mortal remains. In a heart wrenching visual, both mother and son were cremated together at cremation ground. 

Mastermind Mohammad Israel and his son Mohammad Abdul were arrested on Sunday on 11 April. Police informed it was Mohammad Israel, who had gathered mobs through the public address system of the mosque to instigate the crowd, who mob lynched Ashwini Kumar. Three more accused Feroze, his brother Abujar Alam and his mother Sahyannur Khatun were arrested. 

Mob lynching of a police officer has posed a disturbing question: Who emboldened Muslim mob to dare to mob lynch a police officer? It is to be recalled that a bike thief Tabrez Ansari was killed allegedly for stealing a bike by a group of people, in a fit of rage, in June 2019. The whole self-certified secular, liberal and left leaning journalist rose in unison to paint a bike thief, Tabrez, as the victim. They jumped at every international forum to denigrate India. 

Now, Tabrez’s community gathered a mob from the loudspeaker of a mosque to mob lynch a police team on duty. They dared to kill a police officer on duty, because they were confident that they would be supported by the same cabal of secular, liberal and left leaning journalists. Tabrez’s community is aware they would not be asked questions when they commit crimes. 

When a Muslim is killed, the left liberal cabal shouts to tell the world that victim was Muslim. When the perpetrators are Muslim, they are termed as mob instead of Muslim mob. This is how left liberal eco system defends and emboldens the Muslims, for whom Islam is above than the constitution of nation. 

Who would set the accountability of self-certified secular, liberal and left leaning journalist, who blatantly supports criminals in the name of human rights? Crime rises in a society, when responsible citizens stop asking questions from the so called intellectual class, who support criminals in the name of human rights. Today, India must hold accountable the left liberal eco system for providing a support system to criminals.



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