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Mumbai – POCSO Court announces Life sentence to Christian Pastor for sodomizing a 13 years old boy


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The church is one of the largest sources of sexual abuse and child abuse, and that has been proved with millions of such cases across the world. The expediency with which the church has sought to sustain the church’s divine status in the eyes of its believers at the expense of a massive cover-up of sexual abuse by its clergy is mind-boggling.

If any such case comes into the picture, the entire Church and Missionaries ecosystem kicks in to cover it up. They never shy away from demeaning the victims and their families. We have seen another such incident in Mumbai, where a pastor Father Lawrence sodomized a 13-years old boy in 2015.

Finally, the POCSO court has ordered the life sentence awarded to Father Lawrence for his heinous crime. The 13-year-old faced multiple assaults inside the Christ the King Church, Shivaji Nagar, Govandi, on November 27, 2015, that left him bruised and bleeding. He is now 18 years old and is still undergoing treatment for bodily ailments apart from suffering hallucinations and nightmares.

The boy’s mother hailed this decision and said that “Jesus had answered her prayer at Christmas”. “The court has pronounced Fr Lawrence guilty today. But I held him guilty on the very day of the assault. My faith in the men that run the Church is broken but my faith in Jesus is unshakeable.”

His mother said, “Supporters of Father Lawrence even held a morcha against us while we were inside the police station premises. They claimed we were filing a false case to extort money from the Church.

They made it impossible for us to continue living in Shivaji Nagar by their taunts and criticism. We repeatedly shift residence from Govandi to Santacruz and the Chembur. Even now when I visit to seek documents from the church, they surround us with abuse.”

The family accused the Catholic Church hierarchy of abandoning them in their struggle for justice. The boy’s mother squarely blamed the Archbishop of Bombay, for “harassing the victim while harboring the accused priest”. Here it is important to know that Father Lawrence was arrested from Archbishop House.

The family also stated that the Archdiocese gave any help towards medical costs or legal aid, let alone moral support, as it claimed to this newspaper in 2015. “It is a blatant lie. The only person who stood by us was Brother Joe of SSVP,”.

This verdict is likely the first conviction of a Catholic priest in a POCSO case under the Bombay Archdiocese. We hope either the Vatican or Archdiocese of Bombay should defrock Fr Lawrence with immediate effect.

However this seems slightly difficult, as neither the local Church nor the Vatican takes any action against such Pastors, and this has become a trend. Church and Missionaries are gradually turning into places where such acts are performed without any shame, and they use their ecosystem to cover such acts and blame the victims.


  1. The jeesoos cult has more blood on its hands than any other religion. European pagan( bhagwan) culture was destroyed violently 1800 years back onwards. Science was destroyed, libraries were burnt & later the civilisations of  lands in america , asia, australia, new zealand etc etc etc were destroyed. Same was tried in Japan, 400 years back,  by the vatican.
    The inquisitions by portugese in Goa is one example…3 hundred years back.
    Abrahamic cults need to be substituted by humanism. That will end the violence & wars.

  2. The  abrahamic, artificial, manmade, tribal mentality, delusional, predatory, stepbrother-cults, of the middle east desert, need to be substituted by HUMANISM.
    This single act will immediately bring global peace.
    Two thousand plus years of strife & turmoil & violence & crusades, & genocide & inquisitions & destruction of hundreds of diverse civilizations & jihad & gas chambers & dominion theology & commaoist revolution theology have to be stopped.  The time has come to try HUMANISM to bind humans as a family.
    Let not THE SUNK COST FALLACY prevent this acceptance of HUMANISM & rejection of the bloodthirsty outdated abrahamic cults or the commaoist violent anti-humanism !


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