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New Delhi

Lareb Hashmi attacked Hindu bus conductor with a knife.


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In a disturbing incident that highlights the growing menace of religious intolerance and extremism, a horrifying attack took place on Friday morning in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh. The victim, a 24-year-old Hindu bus conductor, fell victim to a violent assault allegedly carried out by a man identified as Lareb Hashmi.

The Islamist chanted ‘Allah hu Akbar, and ‘La ilaha illallah muhammadur rasulullah” as he went about justifying the brutal attack on the Hindu bus conductor.

The assailant, purportedly driven by a misguided sense of religious fervor, attacked the bus conductor with a cleaver, accusing him of committing ‘blasphemy’. This brutal assault occurred in broad daylight, sending shockwaves throughout the community and raising serious concerns about the rise of religiously motivated violence in the region.

The victim, whose identity remains undisclosed for safety reasons, suffered severe injuries in the vicious attack and was rushed to the nearest medical facility for urgent treatment. The incident has sparked outrage and condemnation from various quarters, with many demanding swift and decisive action against the perpetrator.

The authorities must ensure that justice prevails in this case by conducting a thorough investigation and bringing the perpetrator to book. Additionally, steps need to be taken to promote interfaith dialogue, tolerance, and understanding among communities to prevent such heinous incidents from occurring in the future.


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