Would a country open its border to hug migrants, who would burn the host country in future? Sweden is a fine example how it embraced its own devil in garb of poor looking immigrants.
When liberals of Sweden shouted the slogan of they (refugees) are not dangerous, they are in danger to receive Muslim refugees and immigrants from war torn countries like Syria and Iraq, Poland openly said, Refugees are not welcome in Poland.” When European Union Court of Justice ruled that Poland had violated their obligations by refusing to take in their fair share of asylum seekers, Dominik Tarczynski from Poland’s ultra-conservative “Law and Justice Party,” said, “We don’t want Poland being taken over by Muslims or someone else, no one will ever force us to take Muslims.” Today, Sweden is burning but, Poland is breathing peace. Fire and smoke engulfed southern city of Malmö, as migrant rioters burnt, tyres, cars, shops. They also did not hesitate to injure police and rescue service by throwing objects at them.
Two teenage boys were allegedly tortured, raped and then buried alive in a cemetery in Solna, Sweden on 23 August, by 21 years and 18 years old migrants. Swedish newspaper, Aftonbladet reported that the perpetrators offered to sell the boys drugs and when the boys refused, they were kidnapped to a cemetery, where the boys were brutalised. Fortunately, passers by noticed them and police saved them in naked and bruised position.
What is worse Main Stream Media dominated by eco system of Left liberals and Islamist Jihadi blamed ‘Koran burning’ behind riots in Sweden tactfully hiding the incident of how two migrants brutalised two innocent Swedish boys, which caused anguish and hurt among native Swedish, hence justifying violence by migrant Muslims as reaction.
Swedish artist Dan Park invited Rasmus Paludan, leader of Danish far-right political party Hard Line, who was stopped at the Swedish border and denied permission to have a meeting in Malmo. It is reported his supporters went ahead with rally and allegedly burnt the holy book. As migrant Shahed said on a Swedish news channel, “it is not right, but it wouldn’t have happened if they hadn’t burnt the Koran.”

This is to remind the world that a Burqa clad woman shouted at a salesman while she lifted the Ganapati idols from a shelf and smashed on the floor at a supermarket in the Juffair neighbourhood of Bahrain’s capital Manama. The video went viral on 15 August, days ahead of Ganesh Chaturthi, an auspicious festival for Hindus. Soon, Islamists took to social media to celebrate the breaking of idols and hailing the woman for doing so.
However, no Hindu slapped anyone across the world, instead an Indian, Divya Pandey living in Bahrain did ‘Sthapana and Visarjan’ to Ganapati idol broken by Burqa clad woman. Like every Hindu, Divya Pandey was also shocked and disturbed to see the video. But, did he indulge in violence?
If migrants are so strong about faith and religion, why do they ask for shelter in a non Muslim country? If they are settled in a non Muslim country, why don’t they respect the law of land? Instead of burning the city, why don’t they go to police to file complaint? Isn’t media—which is justifying the violence by migrants as a reaction—are support systems of rioters?
Poland accepted to face criticism for not accepting Muslim migrants, instead they opened their border for Ukrainian immigrants, who respect law of land and contribute to progress of Poland. Isn’t Poland a fine example of ethos—National Security is more important than indulging in excessive Secularism?