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New Delhi

Inshallah there will be a fight on the streets’: Maulana Tauqeer Raza’s announcement on Gyanvapi.


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Maulana Tauqeer Raza’s recent inflammatory statements have once again sparked controversy and raised concerns among various sections of society. Known for his provocative remarks, Raza’s latest declaration to engage in street confrontations for the Gyanvapi issue and his refusal to concede any mosque in Mathura and Kashi has added fuel to an already sensitive socio-religious landscape.

On Monday, December 18, 2023, in Delhi, Raza reiterated his stance, rejecting any possibility of conceding mosques, regardless of surveys or legal decisions. His remarks concerning the Supreme Court’s verdict on the Ram Temple issue were particularly critical, labeling the decision as dishonest, further amplifying the tensions surrounding contentious religious disputes.

Maulana Tauqeer did not stop here. He further said that he has to show that he will not tolerate it. In the same speech, Tauqeer also mentioned the disputed structure of Ayodhya. He said, “Now we say that our faith is above the court because we have once seen the dishonesty of the court.” Tauqeer also says that instead of the patience of the Muslims at Babri Masjid, he was considered cowardly. He provocatively said that if people do not become destitute then Gyanvapi will also be snatched away like Babri.

These statements by Maulana Tauqeer Raza have deep implications, transcending mere rhetoric and potentially inciting communal disharmony. They have the potential to exacerbate existing fault lines and inflame sentiments among different religious communities, leading to heightened tensions and conflicts.

Raza’s call for street action raises concerns about the potential for public disturbances and underscores the urgency of responsible leadership to prevent the escalation of volatile situations. Such provocative rhetoric not only polarizes communities but also challenges the fabric of peaceful coexistence, which is crucial for the harmonious functioning of a diverse society.

It’s imperative to recognize the significance of responsible discourse, especially concerning sensitive matters deeply ingrained in religious beliefs and historical narratives. While individuals have the right to express their opinions, exercising this right must be accompanied by a sense of responsibility, taking into account the broader impact on societal harmony.


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