Union Home Minister Amit Shah today summoned all concerned agencies and States to come together to end the menace of drug trafficking and drug addiction. He emphasized upon the coordination between various enforcement agencies to report and record the status of substance use.
Home Minister is working in coordination with other concerned minister to help society get rid of drug addiction. However, the major consumption is recorded in Punjab and Haryana.
While addressing the National Conference on ‘Drug Trafficking and National Security’ in Chandigarh NCORD AND NIDAAN portals were launched. Where NCORD portal will facilitate not only in coordination but in knowledge management also. The NIDAAN portal contains information about NARCO prisoners.
Union Home Minister inspect the disposal of drugs at four places when NCB teams of Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata and Guwahati disposed off drugs of 30,000 kg capacity via video conferencing.
In his address, Amit Shah mentioned the achievements of Modi government in curbing drug trafficking. Both macro and micro steps were taken in the last 8 years to achieve such results. Bringing sanctions and strict regulation have brought a hope to imagine drug free India. For the record, he mentioned, that 200 per cent increase have seen in cases registered and 260 per cent increase in arrests to control the drug trafficking. He compared the statistics with the tenure right before BJP came into power, estimated 3.3 lakhs kg of drugs were recovered in the last seven years.
Drugs worth 20,000 crore were seized in the tenure of Modi, he said.
Amit Shah also introduced the new initiative by NCB to launch a helpline. And added, that fast track courts are to be instituted soon for speedy disposal as the proposal has been discussed with Supreme Court.
On a micro level there should a coordination between agencies and administration to counter drug menace. Also, assured the support of central government for the cause.
Mr. Shah said, the case involving intricacy can be transferred to NCB and where the matter concerns other countries NIA is the competent authority.