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Gandhi-Vadra Dynasty blames BJP, but NCRB exposes the Gehlot Govt, which has the highest crimes against Hindus, Dalits, and Women


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There is growing propaganda orchestrated by the opposition parties, especially Congress that BJP is propagating that it is a pro-Hindu party, however, it denounces Hindus every now and then. Congress claims that BJP came into power due to pro-Hindu issues like Ram Temple, Abrogation of article 370, Uniform Civil Code, Love Jihad and Gau Mata etc. however Hindus at large never got any benefit from this? On the contrary there has been a massive decline in the living conditions of Dalits, Minorities, farmers, workers, and there is a massive rise in atrocities against Hindu women as well.

Congress always claims that these emotive issues are for the benefit of Hindus is nothing but propaganda which has led to polarization, an increase in hatred among communities and a rise in violence. And the major victims of these policies are not just the Muslims, but also Hindus as there is an ever-increasing number of crimes against Hindus, especially Dalits and Upper Caste people.

However, Congress forgot that its indeed Congress-ruled states, where such crimes against Dalits, Women, Hindus, and even Minorities are rising like anything. Instead of taking care of people in their ruling states, Congress has a habit to blame BJP for any incident that happened in BJP ruled state, and it always tries to give such incidents a communal or casteist angle.

Let’s expose the lies of Congress with Facts and figures because we are not Rahul Gandhi, who blabbers anything which comes to his mind. We will try and a clear picture of Rajasthan, the biggest state ruled by Congress.

Crimes against Women

Rajasthan has been ruled by Congress Government since Dec 2018, hence we will take the data from then only. As per NCRB, the figures for crime against women (IPC+SLL) for the state increased from 25,993 (2017) to 27,866 (2018) to 41,550 in 2019. So while there was an increase of 7.21 percent from 2017 to 2018, the increase from 2018 to 2019 was a drastic 49.11 percent. Data released by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) for 2019 puts Rajasthan at the top when it comes to rape or attempts to rape cases.

Overall IPC+SLL crimes have also increased drastically. While there was an increase of just 1,873 cases between 2017 and 2018, the difference between 2019 and 2018 is 53,848 cases or an increase of 21.49 percent. The state capital Jaipur saw 2,957 more cases in 2018, compared to 2017, but the difference between 2019 and 2018 is 10,008 cases.

While Congress leadership was doing Political drama in Hathras, there were multiple such rape cases that happened in Rajasthan, but Congress Leadership and Government didn’t pay any heed to those cases. Also, the media is hand in glove with Congress, they kept making noise on Hathras but kept mum on Baran, Ajmer cases, which were horrible to say the least.

Crimes against Dalits

While Congress claims that BJP ruled states, especially Uttar Pradesh has more crimes against Dalits and Dalit Women, however the truth us a blatant contrast. It is Rajasthan which topped the chart with 554 Rape crimes against Dalit Women. It is Rajasthan which has a 4.5% rate of Dalit women’s rapes, which is the second-highest in the Country, it comes close to Kerala, which topped the chart with 4.6%. No, we are not saying this, it’s NCRB data which shows this, and Data always speaks the truth.

Who can forget the unfortunate incident when five Gurjar men gang-raped a 19-year-old Dalit girl in front of her fiancé in Rajasthan’s Alwar district last year? Though this news was omitted from public memory and credit goes to the Media, which go berserk on Hathras, but keep quiet on such incidents in Baran, Alwar etc.

A 19-year old Dalit woman was raped in Thanagazi in 2019, initially, Rajasthan Government was keeping mum on the issue, but it was forced to act against the culprits due to immense public pressure, and then only they were arrested. This gang-rape had caused widespread outrage in Rajasthan after the crime was recorded and the footage was released on social media.

In another incident, three Dalit youths were assaulted after being accused of stealing donkeys in Jaisalmer district, the third such incident to come to light in Rajsthan in recent times. The culprits released a video of the heinous crime and then only they were arrested.

But did you hear any noise on these crimes against Dalits? The answer is a big NO.

Crimes against Hindus

While Congress tries to dent the pro-Hindu image of BJP, by selectively raising the crimes against Hindus in BJP ruled states, but they conveniently ignore the plight of Hindus in their own states. A recent case os about the 55-year-old priest of a temple in Bukna village of Rajasthan’s Karauli district, who died of burns at the Sawai Man Singh Hospital here after he was set on fire over a land issue. He was attacked by five persons, who wanted to encroach on the temple land on Wednesday. Per the latest reports, only 1 accused has been arrested, rest 5 are still not arrested. That shows the activeness of the Congres Government when the Hindu at a receiving end.

Do you remember 11 Hindu refugees of a family from Pakistan were found dead in Jodhpur district? The family, which had arrived in India from Pakistan in 2015, was living in Dechu police station area of Lodta village of Jodhpur and on one night all of them were killed.

In May this year, a minor Hindu girl was gang-raped by 4 Muslims. Rajasthan Police was mounting pressure on the survivor to withdraw the case, however later due to public pressure, they had to arrest 4 criminals.

This is the same Congress, which accused UP CM Yogi Adityanath for taking biased approach towards Brahmins and other upper casts, as UP Govt took stringent action against some criminals, who were from upper casts. However Congress never pay any heed to the crime against the Hindus in Rajasthan and here the victims are innocent Hindus, not the dreaded criminals like Vikas Dubey.

Crimes against Muslims

While Congress gives an impression of a PArty, which is a sole well-wisher for the Muslims, and its heart bleeds whenever any crime happens with Muslims in the non-Congress state, however, the truth is that it is Congress-ruled Rajasthan which is taking the lead even in this parameter.

Recently a 52-year-old Muslim auto driver named Gapphar Ahmad had was thrashed by miscreants in Sikar, but no action was taken, no outrage happened. A few months back, Bharatpur district’s Zanana Hospital refused to treat an eight-month pregnant Parveen because she Muslim, leading to the death of his girl child, but there was no hue and cry on this issue.

The reason is quite simple if Muslims is being harrassed in BJP ruled state, that becomes a threat to democracy and secularism, but if a similar incident happens in a Congress-ruled state, it doesn’t even attract any attention from Government and Media.


In our opinion, rapes or crimes must be condemned by all sections of our society, and we should avoid the use of religion or caste highlights. The guilty must be booked and convicted at fast track courts within the due timelines. It is unfortunate that Congress and its Leftist cabal raise only certain cases that can cause upheaval among the classes or different religious groups, they take such cases with zeal to encash them to gain some political brownie points.

The Congress and Leftist gangs are not useful for India and they do not represent any groups and community. But the real factor is anybody even with the least following can cause sparks among our society for their ulterior motives. The media which wants to regain its importance harps upon only such cases which can cause friction among people. The politicians who have been sidelined for long, want to take up such issues for their nefarious ends. We have seen this in the recent Hathras case, where Congress, Leftist Organization and Media came together to defame the State and Central Government.

Here we have honest advice for the opposition parties, Data shows that the law and order situation had collapsed and criminals had no fear of law in the states ruled by them, your states have the dubious distinction of being number one in incidents of crime against women, Dalits, Hindus, and minorities. Instead of going on political tourism in BJP-ruled states, these leaders should pay attention to their states, and rather than doing the dramas like Hathras, they should work towards the benefits of their own people.


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