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Chronology of a Fake Narrative to Destroy Hindutva


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Shah Rukh Khan’s “Main Hoon Na” directed by Farah Khan is released. It was the birth of Hindu Terrorist theory. Story of a vengeful Major Raghavan, an Indian Army dropout who wants to wreck havoc with peaceful India – Pakistan relationships.

Ishrat Jehan, Javed Shaikh (born Pranesh Pillai), Amjadali Akbarali Rana and Zeeshan Johar were encountered by Gujarat Police in an encounter near Ahmedabad. The IB had tipped off the unit as LeT Fidayeen group that planned to assassinate the Gujarat CM Narendra Modi. LeT mouthpiece Jamat-ul-Dawa initially declared Ishrat Jehan as their martyr and then pulled down the declaration from their website. The last two among the four were Pakistani citizens. Congress Government announced that the encountered were LeT terrorists.

Malegaon serial blasts. Early investigation points towards banned Islamist terror organization SIMI. Two days later Police intelligence claimed to have found two bicycles belonging to terrorists and released sketches of two suspects.

First arrest in the Malegaon case. Noorul Huda connected to SIMI. Two more accused were Raees Ahmed of SIMI and Shabbir Batterywala, reportedly a LeT handler. The case progressively weakened by shoddy handling.

Sadhvi Pragya arrested by Mumbai ATS because her old scooter was found at the site of Malegaon blast.

Lt Colonel Prasad Srikant Purohit was arrested in the same Malegaon case. Hindu terror story is ready in real life. They even had an Army-man to match “Main Hoon Na”. What is interesting is Lt Colonel Purohit was working on SIMI and other terror organizations by infiltrating them.

Mumbai under attack.
First reaction: “This could be Hindutva terror”. Statement made by Congress leader Abdul Rahiman Antulay. The dead terrorists as well as Ajmal Kasab had red and saffron threads on their wrists and fake Hindu identify cards.

P Chidambaram takes over as Union Home Minister in the aftermath of Mumbai attacks.

Rahul Gandhi tells US Ambassador Timothy Roemer, “There was evidence of some support for the terrorists among certain elements in India’s indigenous Muslim community. However, I feel the bigger threat may be the growth of radicalized Hindu groups.”

September 2009:
Home Minister P Chidambaram changed the Affidavit before Supreme Court in the Ishrat Jehan case, declaring the government had no evidence that Ishrat Jehan was LeT terrorist. Though LeT terrorist George Headley had declared Ishrat Jehan was a LeT operative, Chidambaram’s agencies brushed aside such facts and turned a terrorist into martyr.

Aziz Burney of Sahara Urdu launches his book “26/11, RSS Ki Saazish” amid criticism.

Congress leader Digvijaya Singh and “secular” film maker Mahesh Bhatt among others join the Mumbai launch of “26/11, RSS Ki Saazish” and claim, “Hemant Karkare was under pressure by RSS. That angle needs to be investigated.”

Inspite of lack of evidence Amit Shah was jailed between July and October 2010 for his alleged involvement in Sohrabuddin encounter. Sadhvi Pragya, Lt Colonel Prasad Shrikant Purohit and many others spent several years in jail. There are more links to the story. But these are good enough to connect the dots. A lot more information is available in the following books “The Myth of Hindu Terror: Insider Accounts of Ministry of Home Affairs 2006 to 2010″ & Deception ,A family that decieved the whole nation by RVS Mani.

26/11 Terror attacks not only had support of people from indigenous Muslim community. It had explicit political, logistical and intelligence backup from different arms of Maharashtra government and most likely, blessings of the Central government.

Why was all this done ? Any guesses ?

The Answer: To prepare the ground for Sonia Gandhi’s favorite “Communal Violence Bill 2011”. Drafted by the extra-Constitutional body called National Advisory Council (NAC) headed by Sonia Gandhi, the bill was clearly designed to target Hindu groups, especially RSS. If not for severe backlash and electoral reverses coupled with humongous corruption charges, the Communal Violence Bill would have become a death knell for Hindus, more specifically for people professing Hindutva. Thankfully, Narendra Modi won 2014. Those who wrote the script for Hindu Terror web-series between 2004 and 2014 are playing “Temple Run” ever since.


  1. India does not need elections for atleast 20 years.What we want is pure one party rule for some decades.Otherwise Hindus have a poor memory and very easily get tempted by free electricity and other falsehoods.We have now a great leader and should not waste him.

  2. @Kamal_k, though I understand your sentiments, we cannot afford that. We cannot set a precedent for future. Our efforts must be to spread the truth and unite the Nationalist people to keep India united.


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