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After Effects of Muslim Migration: Four Pakistanis gang-raped a Pregnant Woman in Greece


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We have seen massive Muslim migration to Europe in last 2 decades, due to instability in Middle East. This has been warned multiple times that this uninterrupted migration will proved to be fatal in future, but still European countries were welcoming these migrants, in the name of humanity and secularism.

However, the after-effects of Muslim migration are quite visible now, as the number of Muslims who committed crimes has been spiked like anything. The latest incident happened in Agios Panteleimon on Wednesday when a 25-year-old pregnant woman was gang-raped by 4 Muslim migrants.

More shocking is that she was in the third month of her pregnancy and allegedly has mental issues. The 25-year-old went to Omonia in Central Athens on Tuesday night in order to fix her mobile phone. She was approached by a young man of Afghan descent, who led her to a dark spot and then raped her.

The woman was utterly shocked and asked for help from three Pakistanis, who persuaded her to follow them to help her. She was taken by taxi to an underground apartment in Agios Panteleimon, where she was gang-raped by those Pakistani criminals.

Neighbors in the adjoining apartments heard the girl’s voices and screams. The perpetrators, fearing that they would be noticed by the neighbors and the police, let her leave their apartment.

The unfortunate girl with a baby in her womb, went to the police where she pointed to the apartment where she experienced the nightmarish moments, she registered the complaint. Police conducted the raids and finally arrested all 4 criminal, who all are from Pakistan.

Well, this is an unfortunate incident and we pray that no woman should undergo such an ordeal. However, it is important to understand that if Muslim migration is not stopped in European countries, then situation will only get worst.


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