Mumbai : A independent organisation of Lawyers in Mumbai , Lawyers for just society called this act of arresting Arnab as a attack of freedom of speech. Holding a press conference at Marathi Patkar Sangh, Mumbai senior lawyers ,Mr Subhash Jha , Mr Sanjeev pulekar, Mr Ghanshyam Upadhyay & Mr Niyam Bhasin condemned the arrest of Editor in chief of Republic media Mr Arnab Goswami.

Comparing this act of Mumbai police & Maharashtra govt with the emergency era of 1975-1977 the lawyers said that “it seems to be deep conspiracy to coere the journalist who donot toe their dictate and in the process, take recourse to fabricate & manipulate evidence”.
The lawerys society also told the media that such actions will lead to bad image of the state and will also impact investments.