One of the most famous of the historic account of India is written in Arabic by Al-Biruni nearly a thousand years ago. This learned man was a native of the Transcaspian district of Khwarizm, corresponding to the modern Khanate of Khiva, but he lived at the court of Mahmud of Ghazni and died there in 1048 A.D.
His scientific work entitled “Chronology of Ancient Nations,” dedicated to Mahmud in 1030 A.D., would alone have sufficed to render his name renowned. But it was folloived by a still more important volume, “India,” which was the outcome of several years of travel and residence in the land between the Indus and the Ganges, where he studied under Brahman teachers and thus became acquainted with the Sanskrit language and their ancient sacred law.
The value of this interesting book for all matters appertaining to the geography, history, and culture of the Hindus has been well brought out by its translator, Sachau, from whose version selections relating to the hindu religion and to pilgrimages made to sacred shrines are here given.
The version of history has been told in a amenable way by many journalist and writers. The accounts of Al-Biruni have discussed in parts and interpreted according to a narrative. Apparently, to satiate the hunger of bringing new power structures, the true intention of muslim writers was kept hidden from Indians for a significant period of time.
Though, the man was well-versed in many subjects including astronomy, history and physics. Al-Biruni praised the culture in his work ad nauseam. And also described the series of events that ruined the civilization and its sanctity. Al-Biruni writes, on Islamic genocide and persecution of Hindus, “utterly ruined the prosperity and peace of India”.
He wrote document in praise of Indians tolerance and peaceful temperament and said, Hindus were not inclined to war with others for religious reasons”. And mentioned that muslims were exactly opposite of what Hindus are.

Following to Al-Biruni’s documents and writings, this is a well-established fact that within 100 years of first muslim invasion 10 percent of Hindu population perished. However, the muslims followed the direct order from the Quran verse (9:5). In which Allah orders the muslims to kill polytheists and idolators wherever you meet them.
1400 yrsvof islam killed billion and converted billons and in the end every convert nation is still poor Islam responsible for destruction of all past history of each nation .
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When local converts to islam will ever try to reconvert to own roots . Who is stopping them . Are they not proud of own roots .
Is one book of islam can bring prosperity to followers or its road to death snd destruction .