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New Delhi

Uzay Bulut

Distinguished Senior Fellow, Gatestone Institute Uzay Bulut is a Turkish journalist and political analyst formerly based in Ankara. She studied at Istanbul's Boğaziçi University and Ankara's Middle East Technical University. Her writings have appeared in various outlets such as the Washington Times, Christian Post, the Daily Caller and Jerusalem Post. Bulut's journalistic work focuses mainly on human rights, Turkish politics and history, religious minorities in the Middle East and anti-Semitism. She is a Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Gatestone Institute.

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Pakistan: Kidnapping, Forced Marriages, Forced Conversion

"In yet another abduct-and-convert case from Pakistan, a Hindu girl from the country's Sindh province was forcibly converted to Islam and married off, her father said. The 14-year-old girl, identified as Sohana, was kidnapped by her tutor, Akhtar and his accomplices...

Pakistan’s Genocide – Pakistan Army Must be held Accountable for Crimes Against Millions of People

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