Home #IndiaPositiveCitizen #IndiaPositiveCitizen action this week, Let’s pledge never litter on street

#IndiaPositiveCitizen action this week, Let’s pledge never litter on street

Photo credit : Roads of Mumbai

Swachh Bharat ?

The lockdown has eased in many parts of India. For months and possibly years ahead we need to take care in terms of wearing mask, practicing social distancing. When faced with the risk of a pandemic hygiene is of utmost importance.

In the fight against #Covid sanitation workers across India have displayed the courage of soldiers. Had they not chosen to do their duty, we would have had unhygienic roads making the spread of infection faster.

But how are we rewarding them? By throwing litter on the streets instead of putting it in a bin. In India, littering has been and continues to be a phenomenon across socio-economic segments. People lower the glass of their Mecedes Benz cars to throw out pan masala packets as do people walking on the street treat it like a dust bin. This needs to END.

Starting NOW, Let us pledge to NEVER EVER LITTER. This will make the streets cleaner and safer for all – including animals and birds. Many of whom end up consuming plastic and often dying a painful, untimely death. If every Indian stops littering we can have #SwachhBharat overnight. Pl choose to make a difference.

Inviting you to speak with at least 10 people you know and get them to pledge to keep India clean. Request each one to speak with 10 other people. Speak with local stores, food stalls, Banks in your area – request them to install a bin outside the premises if there isn’t one already.

Savitha Rao

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